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Education: Ruining A Nation -- A Retired Public School Teacher's Testimony [VIDEO]


The 2014 interview from the retire public school teacher (27 years) might be shocking to some as he reveals the awful conditions and behaviors of his American public school in New Jersey, but for decades (even including from the 1950’s), public schools throughout the United States have been filled with “chaos.” Some may deny the assessment based upon their public school experience being better than what has been described, however, a vast percentage genuinely will affirm “chaos” as typical or normal and now an exponential problem. There are Hollywood movies (e.g. Lean on Me) that depict bad schools, though some may think that those movies and schools are mere individual cases vs. a description of the whole.

One point in particular is the common misconception, assumption, and excuse for bad behavior of students and parents has been poverty or school choice (i.e. not being able to remove your child from a bad performing public school which can typically be in a ‘poor’ area). We certainly believe that it is an American and Biblical right for parents to choose how to train their children (including financial/taxes), but no matter the situation, this retired teacher rightly affirms that “poverty” (minute 10:40) is not the reason for disrespecting or other bad behavior.

But, the retired teacher provides a deeper and reverberating assessment (minute 12:30 and 13:03) that we are “ruining a nation!”

One can do a cursory study on American history to know that many have been poor and grew up with formed character under life pressures. The retired teacher reveals his own upbringing as “poor” and shows how that never led to anyone excusing him to act however he would want to. The video ultimately provides a helpful assessment from one of thousands of teachers and students to further understand that education or training of the next generation is critical for any nation.

More so, the importance of training children comes from God and his created natural, cyclical process to raise up children to trust him with their life and learn to live in real life according to how he wants.
