American Genocide

Life: American Deception and Genocide of Generations

Life: American Deception and Genocide of Generations

The below video reveals a discussion hosted by Amelia Bono and several kids about the topic of abortion, mainly in the American context which has been a debate raged on from the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade to allow abortion (murder of babies inside the mother’s womb at any time before birth). Since then, groups have formed and normally understood as pro-choice (for abortion) and pro-life (against abortion). The video along with several issues is part of Bono’s attempt to bring a personal, heavy experience comfortably into the mainstream life of culture that bears and bares influence on the next generations. The video conveys — through the aesthetics, including smiles, music, and lighthearted discussions — a permissibility to talk about abortion and for one to conclude that abortion is good, compassionate, easy, whimsical, and part of God’s plan.

Plainly, this is horrific, awful, and evil.