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Life: Atheist, Skeptic, and Cynic turned Christian - The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel


Strobel provides great research and resources about Jesus and Christianity within this sermon in 2018. By providing and explaining the his background as well the background of Jesus, you are led as a ‘juror’ to make an informed decision. The point? Jesus. Trust him.


Even so, Lee’s sermon also helps explain “telos.”

At 33:10, Strobel captures that when God became his telos, his life changed. Prior to that point, his telos was godless. A genuine faith is not merely the believing and receiving, but believing and receiving the “who” and the “who” became his telos.


The term “atheist” throughout the Roman empire history during and after Jesus meant one who denied their “theists” (gods). So, Christians were known as atheists from the Roman perspective. Our current time and culture uses the term atheist in various ways, and how Lee is using the term is from his perspective in being “a”gainst all gods, especially the one of Christianity.