
Book: Gospel of Luke Commentaries by Dr. Darrell Bock

Both books below as they are a 2 part series on the Gospel of Luke in the Bible’s New Testament.

Book: Dirty People: A teacher's classroom untwisting the world

Books: Trailblazers' Book and Series List


  1. Grace and Truth Books provide a clear list of the Trailblazers’ books with good pricing. Below is a portal to their website to browse or scroll through quickly, but it would be best to go directly to their link to order.

  2. has them, but not a specific list, though we are trying to compile them together.

Grace and Truth Books List (portal for browsing)

Book: Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret (Moody Classics)


A spiritual biography of the "father of modern missions,"Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret poses one question: What empowered Hudson Taylor's ministry in China? 

The answer is unfolded in these pages. Written by Taylor's son and daughter-in-law, it shows us a man with fierce faith who believed that God truly would fuflill all He promises in Scripture. 

For Christians longing for the inward joy and power that Hudson Taylor had, they can find the secret to it here. The secret, it turns out, is available to any who call on Christ's name.

"An easy, non-self-denying life will never be one of power," Taylor said. "Fruit-bearing involves cross-bearing. There are not two Christs—an easygoing one for easygoing Christians, and a suffering, toiling one for exceptional believers. There is only one Christ. Are you willing to abide in Him, and thus to bear much fruit?"

Now with a new foreword by George Verwer

Book: The Zion Covenant by Bodie Thoene [Box Set 1-6 ]