Life: American Deception and Genocide of Generations


The below video reveals a discussion hosted by Amelia Bono and several kids about the topic of abortion, mainly in the American context which has been a debate raged on from the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade to allow abortion (murder of babies inside the mother’s womb at any time before birth). Since then, groups have formed and normally understood as pro-choice (for abortion) and pro-life (against abortion). The video along with several issues is part of Bono’s attempt to bring a personal, heavy experience comfortably into the mainstream life of culture that bears and bares influence on the next generations. The video conveys — through the aesthetics, including smiles, music, and lighthearted discussions — a permissibility to talk about abortion and for one to conclude that abortion is good, compassionate, easy, whimsical, and part of God’s plan.

Plainly, this is horrific, awful, and evil.

One sometimes may attempt to find words of compassion, flattery, kindness, etc. in talking about difficult life subjects. But abortion has been and continues to be promoted through every means possible to be cast as good and right. The kindest words are words of truth and love in reply, counsel, and teaching. One can be quick to listen and slow to speak in order to process what’s going on but they must never be hindered in doing good and right based upon truth and love.

How can an American generation, almost 50 years after the Supreme Court decision, find itself having completed one of the more horrific, terrifying genocides of humanity in all of history?! In America, we are now well over 60 million abortions (murder of babies in the mother’s womb before birth at any time) that are reported! How can an American generation find itself carrying out the murder of babies in a mother’s womb for a more pure human race and lifestyle just 75 years past the allied victory in World Ward 2 in 1945 against Adolf Hitler’s similar attempt in killing the Jews and others?!

Well, we do know, as humanity — regardless of country or generation — carries within itself an emptiness and separation from God to only be filled and reconciled by someone beyond us — Jesus the Christ. He is central and inspirational to humanity. He’s the epicenter to humanity, history, and hearts. He became the final, eternal sacrifice for our sinful and even self-righteous good because we have deserved his condemnation and damnation. He is what Christianity claims to be truthful and loving.

Learn and trust him, and then you will see the video along with history, science, and the Bible as tsunami evidence to conclude this video is showing people deceptively agreeing to evil and taking part in deception, especially to the next generation. Deception is nothing new, and has been part of life for a long time. Deception uses truth and lies for it’s own advantage, control, power, and desires. God does not deceive or confuse. Rather, he clarifies, convicts, cleans, comforts, and captures the hearts of his creation.

In the end, Amelia Bono may have done these videos along with her book and previous propaganda campaigns to ‘shout your abortion’ as an effort to cover the pain, conviction on her conscience, and guilt, but all is still forgivable by God’s good news of Jesus as the final and eternal sacrifice given on behalf of an evil world destined to damnation unless he we are humbled before him to be loved by and inspired to trust him.

Some may find all sorts of reasons to not believe in Jesus or in God’s existence, like why must God kill himself on behalf of humanity? Why does the Bible talk so much about blood and sacrifice? Why doesn’t God just stop it all? A simple answer is one doesn’t need to read the Bible to learn about blood. One can simply understand the human body as well as human history to see the importance of it as well as a lot of humans murdering one another like abortion. God then is intervening and certainly has a plan to ‘end evil’ but before he does, he’s saving people by reconciling his lost creation through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Humanity might try but they cannot deny the reality of the natural truth that humanity attempts to take the place of God to judge the world through who they are, their will, and behave accordingly (i.e. abortion), while calling it just and right. This is plainly and clearly wrong. When humanity has called evil good and good evil, it was succumbed to the oldest deception in the universe, which is we can be God and God alone.

Abortion has become an American deception and genocide of generations. We, humans, prove to be undeserving of God’s grace, and more so, deserving all the more of his justness. He remains steadfastly gracious and merciful as well as just. He calls it evil many times to redeem, and let him redeem you if you have yet to trust him. Be thankful then for his grace upon you and extend to others, like those who are deceived as well as the unborn.
