Digital Church

Church: Physical, Digital, or Christian Church?

Church: Physical, Digital, or Christian Church?

Fox News published an opinion article entitled “Church as we know it is over. Here's what's next” (blog post photo credit via the link is Shawn Fortune) with the premise stated at the beginning:

Church, as we’ve known it for the past few generations, is over.

Every church you’ve ever attended, or that you drive by on your way to a Sunday sporting event, was built on a physical attendance model that is location-centric.

As a result, church leaders and pastors have spent time every week encouraging, inviting and pleading with people to come to a specific place at a specific time on Sundays. This approach has created church staffing models, systems and ministry strategies focused on improving attendance. It’s also why there is an annual Top 100 list of America’s most-attended churches.

But that way of doing church is dead.

Respectfully, no. Maybe the only thing that is dead are those that misconstrue God’s words and world for their own ends by their own means.