Training People in Truth and Love

We have slowly but surely been developing out the life contexts in which we train people in truth and love. And as a result, people are then to be inspired (internal, heart transformation) by this truth and love to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus.

This is God's pattern, promise, and perpetual mission that a people worship him with the entirety of their being from the inside-out, and this includes seeking him for forgiveness and spiritual healing when we've sinned or experiencing the world's brokenness (i.e. we are not perfect but trust he is). And by nailing this, we avoid the pitfalls, discern the temptations, repent of sins, maintain holding fast to doctrine (teachings), and begin to truly understand what it means to be trained and training others to trust him with our livelihood for his glory and name's sake.

Therefore, we want to train people in real life with this heart and life understanding (i.e. not trying to train them to trust their religiousness). This kind of heart affects and pervades every area of life, and when God looks down from heaven, he then recognizes his 'church'. His church is not just when they gather but when they have scattered out weekly engaging him and the people within the context of their life as worship to him and where the gospel would be proclaimed and relationally transformative. Jesus defined people as 'neighbors', but not in the neighborhood concept. Rather, a 'neighbor' is anyone within the context of one's life -- strangers, neighborhood neighbors, co-workers, etc.

“And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37–39 ESV)

Love is never self-generated, self-maintained, or self-focused, but love comes from God to transfix and transform us to love (1 John 4). We then live beloved by him to love him and neighbors (others) in this sinful, evil, perverse, broken, confusing, and imperfect world.

Therefore, we have set to train people in 10 life contexts where they are called to be God's church (people) -- from the heart to real life:

  1. Telos Team
  2. Telos Church(es)
  3. Telos Education
  4. Telos Notes
  5. Telos Media
  6. Telos Work
  7. Telos Finances
  8. Telos Homes
  9. Telos Property
  10. Telos Fund

The results of people's lives can be numerous, and more so, depth of impact. God's affect is always deep and wide on the earth, and he's always at work to transform humanity's heart -- the true depth of his creation.

So, we pray, plan, work, give, and press on.