
Life: Foster and Adoption Stories


The stories speak for themselves, especially as love in real life is key factor among one of life’s most difficult situations. Below are links and information sharing foster and adoption stories. Not all stories will be full of success, as many continue with great difficulties. But love doesn’t see something as success or failure, rather, becomes the engine to fight for the good in people’s lives. Love originates with the world’s Creator God, who fights for this world with truth and love that transforms hearts and lives to do his will. One final day will be reunion of all families who have trusted in him coming together as his in heaven. Until then, this is a taste of that day and his presence — his love for people.

Ohio, America

New York, America

Man fosters over 30 kids and adopts 12, recently 5 siblings.

Life: If God is Good, Why is there Pain and Evil? - Dr. Brian Morley


Dr. Brian Morley, philosophy professor at The Master’s University, preaches through a common, human issue in dealing with pain and evil of whether God is real and even good. Listen to the below audio link from the Pine Mountain Bible Church website with the sermon entitled “If God is Good, Why is there Pain and Evil?” Dr. Morley begins with a helpful and real story about God’s existence, and then at minute 38:45-39, Dr. Morley rightfully summarizes how God transforms our perspective in life, and provides specific Bible verses in the last few minutes regarding results of life decisions, good and bad.

Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Life: Emily's Testimony of Living a Lesbian Lifestyle

Anchored North has published another video testimony (among their others) in which these videos help summarize and explain what truth and love does to humanity through and by God, his design, and purposes -- especially by the gospel and his word, the Bible. Here are a few lines from the video testimony as Emily shares about her life as a 'teenager' (15) as well as homosexual, lesbian lifestyle for 7 years including engagement to another gal with 2 kids:

Telos Pastoring

Telos Pastoring

Sinclair Ferguson, pastor of 42 years to date of the video and professor, gave a short snippet lesson at the Desiring God Conference for Pastors in 2014 about the life of pastoring, highlighting the Greek and biblical concept of telos (aim, goal) and its relationship to pastoring, the church, and Christ. Watch and listen to the below video to learn of mistakes and wisdom to pastor or learn what to look for in pastors and churches. Listen to how Ferguson references the centrality and aim (telos) of the church being love understood from the verse and context of 1 Timothy 1:5.