Telos Economics

Worldview Discussion on American and Global Politics

Worldview Discussion on American and Global Politics

The Master's University in Santa Clarita, CA provided a night to share how they discuss and consider American politics at the TMU Summit, "2016 Presidential Election and Current Events Summit." Jack Cox leads the discussion with lines of helpful questions many have been currently considering, and there are four interviewed including Soeren Kern, Dr. John Stead, Dr. Gregg Frazer, and Dr. John MacArthur. They provide helpful insights, discernment, and the confirmation that political vote is a means (i.e. "tool") and "not an end in and of itself."

Bible Places Pictorial Library

Bible Places Pictorial Library

Todd Bolen, owner and author of the incredible and exhaustive pictorial library called Bible Places is a Christian friend, classmate at Dallas Theological Seminary, and now associate professor at The Master's College (now University). He has lived and taught in Israel while taking, collecting, and organizing these great pictures, including all the extended versions of places beyond Israel. He has produced this massive collection of quality images of Bible places for others to use in teaching, sharing, studying, and explaining the Bible in a visual and accurate way.

Jobs, Vocation, and Purpose

Dr. Darrell Bock's interview of Steve Garber via Dallas Theological Seminary's Table Podcast gives profound clarity and connection between Christianity and work life. Steve provides helpful perspective and biblical depth that defines and shows the relationship of vocation, jobs, and economy to faith and life. The interview includes talking through sacred versus secular mindsets and even common grace versus saving grace. They provide practical examples such as H.E.B Grocery Store in Texas among others to help shape our mindset from a heart to love God and love others through the mundane. In this, Christianity becomes a people "set apart" from the world but entirely engaging to the world, especially in economy and vocation.

Economics, Love, and Telos

We want to see more business owners, entrepreneurs, and working people to be inspired by truth and love. The below video lays a foundation for truth and guide for love in economics. You will here the word 'teleological' which refers to telos. This reinforces telos center, what centers our heart aims our life, and when the gospel centers our heart, God aims us to love him and others - including economics.

This is a great resource referencing Dallas Theological Seminary's Table Podcast where Dr. Darrel Bock interviews Greg Forster. Part 1 is Challenges to the Faith and Work Movement and part 2 is 12 Principles of Economic Wisdom.

Greg encourages and establishes that work is an extension of love to God and others, contributing value to society and people.