Worldview Discussion on American and Global Politics

The Master's University in Santa Clarita, CA provided a night to share how they discuss and consider American politics at the TMU Summit, "2016 Presidential Election and Current Events Summit." Jack Cox leads the discussion with lines of helpful questions many have been currently considering, and there are four interviewed including Soeren Kern, Dr. John Stead, Dr. Gregg Frazer, and Dr. John MacArthur. They provide helpful insights, discernment, and the confirmation that political vote is a means (i.e. "tool") and "not an end in and of itself."

The panel discussion and answers provide snippets and summaries to varying and colliding topics that inform one's civil right to "vote." They discuss topics like history, economy, social structure, government, candidates, worldviews, globalism vs. nationalism, philosophies, legislation topics, immigration, historical analysis of American government (founders, constitution, and campaigns), and more. The panel ends in confirming their hope is not on a country or candidate but on the gospel, and finding ways to love people to trust in the truth and love of God in an extremely broken, hurt, and evil world.

Note: We are awaiting reply from TMU to add our URL address to their privacy settings in order to view the video on our website. Until then, the only way to view is via the Vimeo link or on the TMU website.